Shelly Howard
Technology Sector – Partner Development Manager

A s someone who has always been interested in the power of innovation, Shelly Howard has spent her entire career working with some of the leading IT companies in North America. In her sales and market development capacity, she has helped many customers and partners leverage technology to drive new and improved business outcomes. A recent empty nester, Shelly and her husband live in the South Surrey-White Rock area.
Shelly is very grateful that she and her husband have been blessed in life. Her greatest achievement is producing two amazing kids who are now off on their own adventure, learning and developing into productive young adults.
When she first learned about Options Community Services, Shelly was taken aback at the amount of services the organization provides in Delta, Surrey and the Langley area. She’s passionate about helping children who are aging out of government care and noticed Options has a number of programs that provide help for kids in transition, helping them learn how to support themselves.
She says this affordable housing project is incredibly important in addressing a huge gap in our community. Affordable housing to rent or buy is at a minimum in Delta, Surrey and Langley. Shelly believes that affordable housing is a basic need and an essential human right.
support Shelly & the 50 women of options campaign
“How can you even begin to support yourself or your family if you don’t have a place to call home and a stable roof over your head?”
Shelly Howard