Susan Tucker
Owner, Susan Tucker Massage Therapy

Susy Tucker was raised in a house where giving back to your community was always considered a priority.
She has therefore always looked at ways to support her community, whether it be volunteering at the White Rock Hospice, the White Rock Business Improvement Association or the White Rock Pride Society of which she is currently a board member.
When she was contacted to join the Women of Options affordable housing campaign it seemed to be an exciting and important campaign and she did not hesitate to add her name. As a bonus, it involves working with so many wonderful women from the community.
Susy believes it becomes more and more important to balance all housing options as Surrey continues to experience exponential population growth.
support Susan & the 50 women of options campaign
“A city is only as strong as its weakest link and we can and must support all members of society in order to make our city the best place possible.”
Susan Tucker