Kristin Catroppa

With a long history of philanthropy and raising funds through a foundation to support children and youth in Surrey, Kristin Catroppa is excited to assist with this Options campaign. She is always looking for ways to demonstrate kindness and compassion.
Kristin had a traumatic childhood, which she chose to use as an opportunity to grow and evolve in life. As a single mother of three children, Kristin wants to ensure her kids understand how fortunate they are by practising gratitude and paying it forward towards helping others.
She enjoys volunteering in the community, trains for marathon running, practices kickboxing martial arts and is pursuing a holistic wellness career.
Kristin is currently a shareholder for Eversio Wellness and Eversio Labs, a local company that specializes in functional mushrooms to help with mental health and longevity. Their mission is to change lives through fungi.
Her purpose is to foster a healthier and more loving world that aligns with the rhythms of nature, wellness, and co-creation.
support kristin & the women of options : gamechangers campaign
“I believe everyone should be given opportunities to not be hungry, have education and have a home.”
Kristin Catroppa