Raj Arneja
Author, Director, Community Engagement, Nanak Foods

In July of 2020, author Raj Arneja released her debut memoir Love at First Sight: A Mother’s Journey to Adoption. Raj’s book evokes powerful emotions of becoming a mother and its most fulfilling life experience. Her journey is filled with emotions and strife, after traveling thousands of miles from Canada to India which led her to a happiness beyond her own expectations. In it she shares her personal story of becoming a mother, and feels her biggest accomplishments are her children and her journey to find them.
Raj works hard at building relationships within the community through her work. Raj Arneja is the Director of Corporate Engagement and Philanthropy at Nanak Foods.
She directs the company’s philanthropy including strategy, programming and partnership development, and day-to- day operation of all corporate contributions.
Raj has sat on Boards such VIBC and VISAFF most recently where she applies her skills and experiences. Raj now sits on the board of SEVA Thrift Store Society, a culturally dynamic thrift store created to serve Surrey’s diverse and vibrant community.
She is looking forward to creating more awareness for the community, and to share about Options and this project with her network.
support Raj & the Women of Options : Gamechangers Campaign
“I am thrilled to be part of helping to develop an emergency fund for youth at risk. A small amount of money at the right time can make a game changing difference in a child’s life.”
Raj Arneja