building update
On behalf of Options Community Services and Habitat Housing Society, thank you once again, for your generous donation to our affordable housing initiative at 81st Avenue and King George Boulevard.
Your donation will make a difference to more than 100 tenants including: women fleeing violence, refugees, seniors, at-risk youth and others facing barriers in finding decent and affordable housing.
As we mentioned in our last update, the building will be ready in the Fall of 2023. Construction is underway led by VanMar Constructors Inc.
The parkade and L2 suspended slab, columns and stair cores have been poured. We are now out of the hole and in about 5-6 weeks, all concrete will be poured and we will move to framing the 4 levels of the wood frame.

gala update
We are hosting a celebratory gala on September 16th at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel. Both Women of Options Groups will be there: WOO2021 and WOO2022. We would be delighted to see you there as well! Gala ticket information below. There are still individual tickets and tables available. Come join us in celebrating our fiftieth anniversary and our Women of Options.
NOTE: There is a door prize of all-inclusive tickets to Mexico for two!

Women of options 2022: gamechangers

On April 2nd we kicked-off our Women of Options 2022 campaign to raise funds to support local youth at risk. We have been overwhelmed with people’s response to our client’s stories and the work of Options (who supported over 3,500 local youth last year alone.
Please have a look at our 2022 campaign site and give to our Women of Options again this year.
Supporting our youth today is an investment in tomorrow!


Lizzie Allan is one of our 2022 Women of Options. She also happens to be a professional comedian, comedy therapist (RTC), and co-owner of Hilarapy, a ground-breaking type of comedy therapy to help relieve the pain and stress of modern life and spread joy.
Lizzie will be hosting her cracking brilliant comedy show ‘Connection Please!’ on May 28th where all proceeds will be going to our Gamechangers campaign. For more information and a great night out for a good cause, visit
A FEW OF OUR recent media highlights
- CTV Morning Live – Stacy’s Story
- Rebecca Bollwitt, Miss 604 was interviewed on Drex on Jack, Jack FM’s morning show. Listen to the audio clip here.
As always, if you have any questions, or would like to know how you can get involved beyond your financial gift, please contact Ginny Hasselfield at or 604.584.5811 ext 11312.